Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Conferenced Out

In the past seven days I've been to three conferences and it shows. My boss asked me to stop with the ideas yesterday, so it must be pretty bad! :)

I meant to blog about all of them live but while I'm an excellent multi-tasker visually, I have a hard time doing multi-sensory multi-tasking (like listening and blogging at the same time). Besides, I like to be able to consolidate my notes (yes, I still use a notebook and pen).

The three conferences that I went to
I'd love to go to SXSW but don't think I can justify that one with management right now :) Maybe next year.

I'm going to try to write up what wowed me most from each of them and what impact (if any) it may have on education, for the two and half people that actually read my blog. That would include you, Ma.

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